Arm Yourselves

Jeffrey Wallk
3 min readJun 24, 2022

Just read another false analysis designed to move us away from the gun discussion and focus on the problems facing young people in our society.

Oh please!

It’s not about juveniles and mental illness. Disparity and hopelessness are not mental illnesses when it occurs across large sections of the population. It’s a breakdown of society that leads to violence when people lose hope and/or turn to false beliefs and act upon them.

Here are just a few reasons for the increasing despair and loss of hope for “juveniles” and others:

2 sets of laws (one for the wealthy & powerful, one to control the “others”)

Preparing for Civil War — the government is all too happy to arm the citizens and stoke the fires and 1% are buying up resources in advance so they expand their control and financial opportunities (War = Profit for those who know where to invest)

Polarization of people (by tribe, gender, race, ethnicity, you name it) in this country is promoted by media & con artists who pretend to be politicians. This purposeful manipulation of consent is corrosive and plays on people’s fears (esp. young people).

The current generation of leaders are short-term focused so they refuse to address problems facing children now and in the future

Corruption is the Cancer in our Society, Leadership, and Institutions.

The government only represents the 1% not the people. No one is listening and No one cares. The “gasoline” is waiting for a match.

The purposeful goal of creating enormous debt for higher education, healthcare, transportation, and housing creates a 2 class society.

The concentration of wealth and gap in income and opportunity is proof of the corruption that is rotting our country.

The false science used to justify corrupt policies and the open lies by government officials across all parties are evidence of dystopia

The denial of global warming, the proliferation of violence on every medium, the availability of weapons, and the elimination of safe spaces create despair and hopelessness which plays right into the hands of the corrupt leaders who manipulate the laws for their own benefit.

There is festering anger amongst the 99% and growing frustration about the lack of control, erosion of their rights, and disintegration of the American Dream (better, safer life of opportunity for their families) is accelerating. There is a lot of pent-up anger and the 1% are very good at deflecting blame and redirecting that anger back against the polarized factions that they have helped shape and promote.

All you have to do is arm the mob and let them take their anger out on each other. It’s a very simple and effective game of manipulation.

There are many more people who have “problems” and are willing to act upon false beliefs or simply lash out with a weapon when they are pushed too far.

Our leaders have failed us and now there is no remaining money let alone time to address the real problems facing our society.

So, do we really think distributing high-powered weapons (semi-automatic and beyond) with munitions designed to destroy enemy targets (armor-piercing, explosive, tumble upon impact, large caliber, and hollow point are more) amongst a growing population of people facing the above challenges is not going to accelerate the number of mass shootings?

